Muchos circos son negocios donde se explota y maltrata tanto a los animales como a los humanos, para asombrar y divertir a sus espectadores. Como en los deportes, a ellos tambien los visitan cazadores de talentos, para comprar las mejores bestias, u ofrecer mejores condiciones de trabajo a quienes puedan beneficiarlos.
Many circuses are businesses where both animals and humans are exploited and abused to amaze and amuse their spectators. As in sports, they are also visited by talent scouts, to buy the best beasts, or offer better working conditions to those who can benefit them.
En este caso, al dueño del entonces afamado Circo de la Mariposa (Mendez) le llamo la atencion el hombre sin extremidades (Will), quien se colo entre las maletas de dicho circo, sin invitacion. Para su sorpresa, ellos no tenian una seccion de fenomenos, sino que su show demostraba las destrezas de sus integrantes.
Mendez le conto a Will el amargo pasado que habien tenido los integrantes de su circo, que ahora disfrutaban de sus viajes y recursos limitados, promocionandose en los pueblos y repartiendo entradas gratis a los mas necesitados. Y le explico lo que veia era su ventaja: "mientras mas dificil, mas grande es el triunfo".
Sin nadie que lo ayude, Will se emociono al poder moverse erguido entre las rocas junto a un lago. Se resbalo y cayo en el agua. Cuando no estaba a la vista, todos fueron a rescatarlo, pero para su sorpresa, pudo nadar.
Aprovechando su nueva abilidad, inicio su propio acto, con el que obtuvo admiracion y respeto, a la vez que servia de inspiracion o motivacion a otros discapacitados como el.
Nick Vujicic (Will) ahora tiene su propio portal web en
Esta breve obra maestra forma parte de una pequeña colección de minivideos que pueden cambiar tu vida en poco tiempo. La lista de videos en esta colección está en
Muchas gracias por su visita, valoración o comentario.
Mendez le conto a Will el amargo pasado que habien tenido los integrantes de su circo, que ahora disfrutaban de sus viajes y recursos limitados, promocionandose en los pueblos y repartiendo entradas gratis a los mas necesitados. Y le explico lo que veia era su ventaja: "mientras mas dificil, mas grande es el triunfo".
Sin nadie que lo ayude, Will se emociono al poder moverse erguido entre las rocas junto a un lago. Se resbalo y cayo en el agua. Cuando no estaba a la vista, todos fueron a rescatarlo, pero para su sorpresa, pudo nadar.
Aprovechando su nueva abilidad, inicio su propio acto, con el que obtuvo admiracion y respeto, a la vez que servia de inspiracion o motivacion a otros discapacitados como el.
Nick Vujicic (Will) ahora tiene su propio portal web en
Esta breve obra maestra forma parte de una pequeña colección de minivideos que pueden cambiar tu vida en poco tiempo. La lista de videos en esta colección está en
Muchas gracias por su visita, valoración o comentario.
In this case, the owner of the famous Butterfly Circus (Mendez) was struck by the man without limbs (Will), who slipped in among the suitcases of said circus, without an invitation. To his surprise, they didn't have a freak section. Instead, their show demonstrated the skills of their members.
Mendez told Will about the bitter past that the members of his circus had. They now enjoyed their travels and limited resources, promoting themselves in towns and distributing free tickets to those in need. And he explained what he saw was his advantage: "the more difficult, the greater the triumph."
With no one to help him, Will was thrilled to be able to walk upright among the rocks by a lake. He slipped and fell into the water. When he was nowhere to be seen, they all went to rescue him, but to their surprise, he was able to swim.
Taking advantage of his new ability, he started his own act, with which he gained admiration and respect, while serving as inspiration or motivation to other disabled like him.
Nick Vujicic (Will) now has his own web portal at
This short masterpiece is part of a small collection of mini-videos that can change your life in no time. The list of videos in this collection is at
Thank you very much for your visit, evaluation or comment.
Mendez told Will about the bitter past that the members of his circus had. They now enjoyed their travels and limited resources, promoting themselves in towns and distributing free tickets to those in need. And he explained what he saw was his advantage: "the more difficult, the greater the triumph."
With no one to help him, Will was thrilled to be able to walk upright among the rocks by a lake. He slipped and fell into the water. When he was nowhere to be seen, they all went to rescue him, but to their surprise, he was able to swim.
Taking advantage of his new ability, he started his own act, with which he gained admiration and respect, while serving as inspiration or motivation to other disabled like him.
Nick Vujicic (Will) now has his own web portal at
This short masterpiece is part of a small collection of mini-videos that can change your life in no time. The list of videos in this collection is at
Thank you very much for your visit, evaluation or comment.